The Military History Society of New South Wales Incorporated presents


How Britain built a railway to besiege Sevastopol

By Colin Kay



The world’s first military railway was built in 1855 during the invasion of Crimea by Great Britain and France, known subsequently as ‘Grand Central Crimean Railway’.

Growing to 17 miles of track, its purpose was to supply ammunition and provisions to Allied soldiers engaged in the highly engineered siege of Sevastopol. While the invasion of Crimea is widely regarded as a disaster, this was a case of logistics undertaken by experts who knew exactly what they were doing and how to do it.

Saturday 2 November 2019, 2.00pm – 3.00pm

Goulburn Room, Level 4, City of Sydney RSL, 561-567 George Street, Sydney

For further information call 0419 698 783 or email

Although entry is free, a gold coin donation is appreciated.

Biography –Colin Kay

Colin Kay DCM is a member of our Society and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in modern history.
He served as a warrant officer class 2 in the Royal Australian Engineers of the Australian Army, during which time he was awarded the DCM.

Flyer – Crimea