Becoming a member of the Military History Society of NSW

Submit your application form

Further information

If you have any questions or require more information before deciding to join, please feel free to contact us.

Membership Costs

Annual membership subscriptions are:

  • Ordinary and Corporate Membership – $40
  • Family Membership – $45
  • Life Member – automatic renewal without payment for long and outstanding service to the Society

If you would like to become a member of the Military History Society of NSW, please fill in the membership form opposite. You can make payment via direct deposit to the following account: BSB 012 010, A/C No 2402-06083. If you make a payment please email us to let us know the details of all the members and the amount of any donation included in the total payment.

Membership Benefits

Membership to the society has a number of benefits.

The Society’s Website and Social Media

Our website, blog and social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram keep you abreast of latest developments in New South Wales, Australian and world military history, including notable events “on this day in history”, biographical profiles of military figures, places and buildings of historical interest, new books, new films and documentaries, articles, debates, media commentary, public occasions, anniversaries, centenaries, ceremonies and commemorations. You will be kept fully up to date and informed of the Society’s forthcoming activities. Also you are able to exchange views and information about your favourite subjects with a community made up of Society members and others.

Lectures and Seminars

Monthly lectures are held with guest speakers on a variety of topics. Lectures are available free to members and guests. Featuring renowned speakers from Australian defence and security organisations, universities, other historical societies and “think tanks”, these insightful topics provide great depth into conflicts and periods of history of military importance.


Reconnaissance is the journal of the Society, and is published for members quarterly. It publishes content regarding meetings and seminars, along with other contributed papers regarding military history, news items, opinion pieces, letters to the editor, book reviews and biographical articles round out a colourful, informative and entertaining package.


The Society arranges group visits to places of military historical interest such as museums, fortifications, batteries, bases, airfields, naval docks, barracks and other sites, each time accompanied by well-informed guides with the knowledge and background to ensure a rewarding experience.

Joining the Society

The Society offers membership for:

Members – any persons of either sex of the age of seventeen (17) years or over in sympathy with the objects of the Society.

Family members – members of the family that are in sympathy with the objects of the Society and that one person shall pay the full members fee and each other shall pay a reduced fee. Each family member shall have full membership rights except that only one copy of the Society’s journal and other notices shall be forwarded to the family group.

Family members have all the same rights, including voting rights, as individual members but only one subscription to the society journal Reconnaissance is included in the membership fee.

Junior members – persons of either sex under the age of seventeen (17) years in sympathy with the objects of the Society.

Corporate members – any registered company, government institution, educational institution, business, social or service group or military unit in sympathy with the objects of the Society may be elected as a corporate member. A corporate member shall nominate one (1) representative to act or attend on its behalf in all matters relating to corporate membership in default of which the principal office bearer will be taken to be the representative.

Tax Deductable Donations – although the Military History Society is a registered charity donations are not tax deductible.